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НПО Профил

Ай Eм Ю Пийс Глобал

Ай Eм Ю Пийс Глобал

Актуализиран профил през послeдната една година. Официална актуална информация можете да получите чрез ТРРЮЛНЦ.
Статистика и допълнителна информация


Сфера на дейност
Защита на човешки права
Младежки въпроси, политики и изследвания
Мисия на организацията
Мисията на I am you peace global е социално подпомагане на хора в неравностойно положение и сътрудничество за обучение на различни възрастови групи.
Цели на организацията
1. Развитие на гражданското общество като цяло, както и развитие на идеите и разбиранията на хората за мир и устойчиво развитие.
2. Междукултурен обем с цел обучение, личностно и професионално развитие.
3. Повишаване на културата, образованието и квалификацията на хора от широк социален обхват.
4. Медиация между различни общности, нации и т.н. с цел постигане на разбирателство и мир.
5. Приобщаване към най-новите достижения на европейската и световната култура, наука, технологии и социални дейности.
6. Развитие на социални переспективи пред младите хора и представителите на групите, поставени в неравностойно социално положение.
7. Краткосрочно и дългосрочно подпомагане на хора, преживели различни кризи в живота си.
8. Приобщаване към идеите за устойчиво развитие на обществото и природата.
9. Съхраняване и развитие на български културни, фолклорни и спортни традиции.
10. Съхраняване и популяризиране на природни забележителности, на археологически, етнографски и архитектурни паметници.

Последен проект/инициатива

Година на приключване:
Koмпост Ноу-Хау
Проектът Компост Ноу-Хау продължава от 01.08 до 15.10.2020 г. и включва обучение, разработка на информационни материали, провеждане на събитие за информиране на широката общественост. Реализира се с финансовата подкрепа на Община Варна. Цел: Да се проведат серия от обучения сред младежи за процеса на разпадане на био отпадъци, способи и техники за подпомагането му и компостирането на био отпадъци с цел решаване на проблема. Основни дейности: Провеждане на серия от обучения, с които да се даде основата и по нататъшното познание за разпадането на биоотпадъците и последствията от тях. Методи за преработка на био отпадъци и способи и техники за подобрението на процеса. Финалната част на обучението ще бъде практическа под формата на изграждане на компостери на територията на град Варна. https://compostknowhow.iamyoupeace.org/

Финансова информация

Годишен оборот за последната приключила година:
20 000 - 100 000


I am you #peace global projects and initiatives:
1. Social media raising awareness campaign against hate which called on people to preach peace by taking a picture while holding a cardboard which read: “I am you #peace & their country” (01.08.2015-2016).
2. Organized and carried out a free Photoshop training for about 20 people in collaboration with the Able Mentor Association and the University of Economics –Varna (March-May 2016).
3. Collaborated with „Nadezhda 2001-98” foundation for delivering shoes donated by stores for orphanage with special needs children in Varna, Bulgaria (August-September 2016).
4. Collaborating on regular basis with different local organizations for gathering and donating clothes, food, school items and other things to people in bad financial situation in Varna region.
5. Presented the organization, the past and future projects and held a Q&A session at the Fair Fair, which was part of the activities of ISWI 2017 (12-21 May 2017).
6. Developed a Forum theatre project tackling social issues in local community (2017).
7. Collaborated with the Bulgarian Hemophilia Association for caring out a raising awareness campaign – biking tour “Together” for the international day of people with hemophilia in Varna (February-April 2018).
8. Sending organization for the “Rights Now” project which took part in Novoli, Italy, 22-27 April 2018, responsible for some energizers. (3 ppl)
9. Sending organization for the “Natural Peace” project (YE) which took part in Boldogkőváralja, Hungary, 27 April – 7 May 2018, responsible for a Forum theatre workshop and some energizers. (6 ppl)
10. Sending organization for the “I Lend You My Shoes” project (TC) which took part in Yuncos, Spain, 21-27 May 2018. (4 ppl)
11. Took part in the National meeting of youth organizations which was held in Varna in the period 22nd – 24th June 2018. Several workshops were held as well as discussions about the current issues facing the youth organizations in Bulgaria.
12. Sending organization for the “RAY – Refugees Allying with Youth” project (YE), which took part in Lecce, Italy, 26th October – 4th November 2018. (8 ppl)
13. Our team organized the “Welcome Days” for 30 foreign Erasmus+ students to the University of Economics – Varna, in Varna, Bulgaria (13-18 February 2019).
14. Collaborated with the Bulgarian Hemophilia Association for caring out a raising awareness campaign – biking tour “Together” for the international day of people with hemophilia in Varna (February-April 2019).
15. Sending organization for the “ReInvented” project (YE) which took part in Craiova, Romania, 21st July – 3rd August 2019. (9 ppl)
16. Sending organization for the “No name” project (YE) which took part in Aiud, Romania, 25th August – 7th September 2019. (10 ppl)
17. Sending organization for the “Keyboard Power” project (YE) which took part in Caracal, Romania, 07th September – 17th September 2019 (9 ppl).
18. Our team organized the “Welcome Days” for 30 foreign Erasmus+ students to the University of Economics – Varna, in Varna, Bulgaria (11-14 September 2019).
19. Sending organization for the “Tools for change” project (TC) which took part in Craiova, Romania, 15-28 September 2019 (5 ppl).
20. Sending organization for the “Drop Effect: Creating Sustainability in Youth Projects” project (CMS) which took part in Istanbul, Turkey, 17-23 September 2019 (2 ppl).
21. Sending organization for the “Alternative methods for life changing” project (TC) which took part in Craiova, Romania, 06-20 October 2019 (5 ppl).
22. Sending organization for the “Echad” project (TC) which took part in Venice, Italy, 04-09 November 2019 (3 ppl).
23. Sending organization for the “All equal” project (TC) which will take part in Craiova, Romania, 16-29 November 2019 (4 ppl).
24. On 25 and 26 November 2019 in Razgrad the "Youth Organizations Exhibition" was held within the framework of the project "Leaders of the New Century", implemented with the financial support of the National Youth Program (2016-2020). The event was hosted by Mrs. Valentina Ivanova from the Children's Dreams Factory.
25. Sending organization for the “From Facebook to Entrepreneurship” project (YE) which took place in Fagaras, Romania, 26 November – 7 December 2019 (8 ppl).
26. We were invited to take part in a youth organization festival “Varna Present” in Varna, Bulgaria during the period 30 Nov.-01 Dec. 2019. There we presented the work of the organization to local youth.
27. Sending organization for the “Inclusion and Democracy” project (TC) which took place in Craiova, Romania, 5-19 January 2020 (5 ppl).
28. Sending organization for the “Make a tale real” project (YE), which will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, 15-24 February 2020 (6 ppl).
29. Sending organization for the “Y.E.S. - Youth Employment Strategies” project (TC), which will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, 25 February – 1 March 2020 (4 ppl).
30. Compost Know-How - an educational and practical project showing youth the way composting is done and explaining the positive influence of composting on the environment. The project involved youth and their families in the city of Varna, having participants from kindergarten age to adults. The project was financed by the Municipality of Varna with a great impact on the local community. (July - October 2020).
31. Participation at a seminar "Youth, Digital Inequality and Citizenship", part of the project “EUDIGIT”, held on January 12, 2021 by the Municipality of Varna. The organization presented its work and examples of projects – youth exchanges, volunteering, online mobilities, etc.
32. Dissemination of information from the communication channels of the Bulgarian Hemophilia Association in order to combat social discrimination against patients with hemophilia, their families and people caring for them. By uniting as many people as possible in this year’s information campaign with the hashtag messages on social networks #движимсезаедноспромяната and #световенденахемофилията. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to provoke action in health and social institutions that are responsible for providing better treatment and living conditions for people with hemophilia in difficult times like today. Varna, Bulgaria. 14.04.2021.
33. Sending organization for the “IE” project (YE), which tоок place in Craiova, Romania, 12-23 June 2021 (13 ppl).
34. Sending organization for the “School 4 future” project (TC), which took place in Craiova, Romania, 27 June - 08 July 2021 (5 ppl).
35. Sending organization for the “FACTOR” project (TC), which took place in Carei, Romania, 21-29 July 2021 (3 ppl).
36. Sending organization for the “In the Right Shoes” project (TC), which took place in Craiova, Romania, 23 July – 03 August 2021 (4 ppl).
37. Sending organization for the “Empower” project (TC), which took place in Craiova, Romania, 07 – 20 August 2021 (5 ppl).
38. Sending organization for the “Initiated-Involved-Integrated Youth” project (YE), which took place in Băbeni, Romania, 08 – 19 August 2021 (14 ppl).
39. Sending organization for the “Smart Green Money“ project (YE), which took place in Ramnicu – Valcea, Romania, 26 August – 06 Sept. 2021 (9ppl).
40. Sending organization for the “Natural Co-nnections” project (CMS), which took place in Gdansk, Poland, 31 August – 07 Sept. 2021 (2 ppl).
41. Sending organization for the “First Aid Basics” project (YE), which took place in Cisnădioara, Romania, 01-10 September 2021 (6 ppl).
42. Sending organization for the “Rights Now” project (TC), which took place in Lecce, Italy, 08-14 Sept. 2021 (3 ppl).
43. Sending organization for the “POSE” project (YE), which took place in Lecce, Italy, 02-09 Oct. 2021 (5 ppl).
44. Sending organization for the “Echad” project (YE), which will take place in Dolo (Venice), Italy, 04-10 Nov 2021 (6 ppl).
45. Sending organization for the “Mission – Less Waste” project (APV), which took place in Vadagiai, Lithuania, 21.03-24.03 2022 (2 ppl).
46. Sending organization for the “Mission - Less Waste” project (YE), which took place in Renavas, Lithuania, 25.05-02.06 2022 (7 ppl).
47. Sending organization for the “P Praise” project (YE), which took place in Carei, Romania, 12.06-20.06 2022 (7ppl).
48. Sending organization for the “Natural Acceptance” project (YE), which took place in Balatonszemes, Hungary, 03-13.07.2022 (7ppl).
49. Implemented the Put a Stop to Bullying project. The project took place in Varna vicinity, Bulgaria between January and August 2022 and included a Youth exchange from 08th-16th July 2022. The main objective of our project is to help young people to develop skills, knowledge and competencies to recognize bullying, violence, harassment and antisocial behaviors in general and to get better understanding of the impact they have in the community.
50. Sending organization for the “Zero Waste” project (TC), which tооk place in Lodz, Poland, 28.07-04.08.2022 (3ppl).
51. Sending organization for the “Healthy Body Healthy Mind” project (YE), which tооk place in Balatonlelle, Hungary, 07-17.08.2022 (6ppl).

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