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НПО Профил

Агенция за европейска интеграция

Последна актуализация преди повече от една година. Официална актуална информация можете да получите чрез ТРРЮЛНЦ.
Статистика и допълнителна информация


Сфера на дейност
Законодателство, застъпничество, публични политики
Международни и европейски въпроси, политики и изследвания
Мисия на организацията
To aid any person, organization or entity in a disadvantaged situation.
Цели на организацията
1. To assist the learning process of European integration and increasing public awareness of the
relevance of political and economic theories of integration processes, methods of policy making in
the European Union, the methods of political lobbying, forming common policies and the need for
accelerating the integration process to a successful policy of social and economic cohesion within the
European Union.

2. To promote social integration and personal realization of citizens by preventing discrimination,
protecting human rights and implementation of horizontal principles in human resource development.

3. To support the informal community groups, youth groups, environmental organizations, NGOs,
municipal and government bodies and others in the implementation of their initiatives.

4. To generate concrete solutions to major socio-economic problems: improving the quality of human
capital, improving basic infrastructure, enhance economic competitiveness, better use of the economic
potential of cultural heritage, overcoming intra-regional differences in country, improving the pace of
social development.

5. To establish and maintain contacts with Bulgarian and foreign organizations, institutions and their
representatives for the joint implementation of programs and projects.

Последен проект/инициатива

Година на приключване:
Savouring Unique Nature - SUN
1. Project Management and Coordination 2. Research and analysis of opportunities for cycling, as a prerequisite for environmental protection in CBR 3. Create a cross-border networks A Cross-border network for research, analysis and creating solutions for overcoming environmental problems in the region between scientific organizations, government institutions, representatives of the business sector and citizens as well as creating a network of organizations, implementing it in their day- to day activities. Corporate social responsibility A cross-border network between youth, sport and tourist organizations for developing youth initiatives, related to environmental tourism and responsible attitude to environmental protection among youths, as well as training in environmentally-friendly collection of wild products (herbs and mushrooms) and opportunity to get additional income for socially challenged families through this type of activity. A cross-border network between organizations, offering direct and indirect services for the environmental tourism in the region with the aim of developing a greater tourist flow to this otherwise underdeveloped border region. 4. Promoting cycle tourism among CBR citizens in Bulgaria as an opportunity for environmental protection and sustainable development of the region through opening new opportunities for entrepreneur initiatives. 5. Promoting cycling tourism among CBR citizens in Turkey as an opportunity for environmental protection and sustainable development of the region through opening new opportunities for entrepreneur initiatives. 6. Development of joint cross-border cycling tourism products 7. Publicity and visualization of the project

Финансова информация

Годишен оборот за последната приключила година:
100 000 - 200 000


1. "Improving skills of producers towards stronger links" 20112007CB16IPO008-2009-1-086
Lead partner : Uzunk?pr? Union of Milk Producers/TURKEY
2. "Improved Agriculture Improved Social Links" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-081
Lead Partner : Municipality of Kircasalih /TURKEY
3. "Cover history without boundary" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-049
Lead Partner : Uzunk?pr? Municipality/Turkey
4. “Savoring Unique Nature - Bicycle tourism in support of Nature (SUN)” 2007CB16IPO007-2011-2-086
Lead partner: Association Center for rural development Bujrum – MK